By default, Algolia module only provides the search functionality but you can enable the vue-instantsearch components support to have Vue 3 components ready to serve as search and result components.
In order to enable them, first add instantSearch
configuration option to module configuration:
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'export default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: ['@nuxtjs/algolia'], algolia: { apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_SEARCH_API_KEY, applicationId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID, instantSearch: { theme: 'algolia' } }})
You can choose a theme from satellite
, reset
, and algolia
Next, let's create indexName
variable, call useAlgolia
composable in page.vue script section to get the reference to Algolia, and import Vue Instantsearch components:
<script lang="ts" setup>const indexName = 'test_index' const algolia = useAlgoliaRef()import { AisInstantSearch, AisSearchBox, AisHits } from 'vue-instantsearch/vue3/es'</script>
Finally, let's use it in our page.vue template section with vue-instantsearch components:
<template> <div> <ais-instant-search :index-name="indexName" :search-client="algolia"> <ais-search-box /> <ais-hits /> </ais-instant-search> </div></template>
Server-side rendering requires a few extra steps. First, extract instantsearch
instance from the mixin and provide it to all vue-instantsearch
import { createServerRootMixin } from 'vue-instantsearch/vue3/es'import { renderToString } from 'vue/server-renderer'const serverRootMixin = ref( createServerRootMixin({ searchClient: algolia, indexName, }),)const { instantsearch } ='$_ais_ssrInstantSearchInstance', instantsearch)
Then load the results using useAsyncData
and hydrate them on the client:
onBeforeMount(() => { // Use data loaded on the server if (algoliaState.value) { instantsearch.hydrate(algoliaState.value) }})const { data: algoliaState } = await useAsyncData('algolia-state', async () => { if (process.server) { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp(); nuxtApp.$algolia.transporter.requester = ( await import('@algolia/requester-node-http').then( (lib) => lib.default || lib ) ).createNodeHttpRequester(); } return instantsearch.findResultsState({ // IMPORTANT: a component with access to `this.instantsearch` to be used by the createServerRootMixin code component: { $options: { components: { AisInstantSearchSsr, AisIndex, AisConfigure, AisRefinementList, AisHits, AisHighlight, AisSearchBox, AisStats, AisPagination, }, data() { return { instantsearch }; }, provide: { $_ais_ssrInstantSearchInstance: instantsearch }, render() { return h(AisInstantSearchSsr, null, () => [ // Include any vue-instantsearch components that you use including each refinement attribute h(AisHits), ]); }, }, }, renderToString, });})
You can also check out the following Stackblitz link with the usage of above approach in SSR: